

所以 就寫我自己


1. I'm a full grown (physically) Taiwanese. 



2. I love magical creatures that don't exist, like unicorn, fairy, and  mermaid.

-我愛獨角獸, 仙子 還有美人魚



3. I have a dachshund name MIKO.

我愛我家的臘腸 她叫miko



4. I also love cats, but I'm allergic to them. 

我也喜歡貓 可是我對貓過敏

#阿姨家的貓 叫仙女 一樣照樣過敏


5. I'm OBSESSED/ADDICTED to the color BLUE.

我超愛藍色 我的宿舍只差牆壁不是藍色的了


6. I have a bad habit of biting straws.



7. This is my lucky number 



8. My zodiac sign is Leo, even though sometimes I don't act like a Leo.

我是獅子座 可是常常有人說我不像獅子座



9. I haven't broken any of my bones.



10. I love peachy scents stuff.

水蜜桃味 超讚


11. I'm really bad at memorizing things. Even it's a daily thing I still need alarm to remind me.

我很不會記事情 我還要設鬧鐘提醒自己要幹麻


12. I'm not a morning person and I'm so glad and love my roommate who always wake up because of my alarm while I'm still asleep.

我不是早起的人 雖然說台灣的上學時間都很早 我還是沒有養成早起的習慣 我也很感謝我的是有沒有因為我每天早上的鬧鐘而趕我出去



13. Taiwanese invented Boba, as a taiwanese, I don't like Boba.

雖然說台灣人發明珍珠 可是我不愛 然後我認為粉圓跟珍珠是不一樣的東西 所以我敢吃粉圓 珍珠我只敢吃台北公館陳三鼎的黑糖青蛙撞奶


14. When I want to relax, I usually watch YouTube videos, read comics, do my nails or make stuff. 

想放鬆的時候我會看YouTube影片看漫畫 做指甲 或是做東西

#Terrium, 市面上賣的太貴 所以自己用相框的玻璃做了一個


15. Alice in Wonderland is my ultimate love.



16. BUT Little Mermaid and Tinerbell is also my favorite



 17. I named my cactus Bob, Canvas and Aonia.

我的仙人掌寵物叫包伯, 堪薩斯 跟安尼亞


18.  I love salsa with pickels 



19. I dyed my hair blue after I turned 18 

我18 歲的時候寒假回台灣 把我的頭髮後面染藍色 我超愛


20. My all time favorite YouTuber is Claire Marshall

我最愛的YouTuber是Claire Marshall, 之前有介紹過 還有他養的貓

在這裏 ;


21. If I could adopt a cat, it would be a black cat

如果可以 我想養一隻黑貓 黑貓超可愛的


22. I play frisbee back when I was a senior in high school.

我高中的時後 打飛盤 最愛的運動 雖然很傷膝蓋😅  背號77 


23. I normally don't like chiwawas, expect my friend's pet, I found them scary and annoying.

我不喜歡吉娃娃 除了我有個朋友家的 我通常覺得他們很恐怖 一直叫 像七笑


24. I want to get a piercing at conche, but I'm too scared to.

我想再打一個洞在耳窩 可是感覺會很痛 很難處理 戴耳機怎麼辦!!


25. Vivienne Westwood (Woot Woot


26. Lane del Rey, Imagine Dragons, Ed Sheeran, Fall Out Boys, Avril Lavigne, Elle King and One Republic. All time favorites but there's more. LOL



27. Eating is my second life.


#這是撈撈 香港路邊攤小吃 我現在超想吃

28. I've known one of my Best friends for almost my whole life, 17 years to be specific.

我有個認識17年的童年玩伴, HI JESSICA.



29. I used to have a birthmark on my nose, I razor removed it when I was in middle school.

我以前鼻子上有胎記 可是上國中的時候雷射掉了 現在可以看到一點點因為打飛盤的時候沒防曬 哈哈


30.  I LOVE the days back when I was playing frisbee and all the people I met, it makes me smile every time when I'm having a bad time.

所有打飛盤認識的人跟回憶是我最開心的事 看到照片或想到都會讓我很開心


31. My sister is the MOST annoying person on the earth. well, I still love her.



32. I'm greatful that my parents are my parents. Although I might not act like I do but I always do.

我很感謝我爸媽 雖然看起來還好但還是有的


33. I'm pretty good at cooking, and I can never cook for one. 

我還蠻會煮菜做飯的 可是我無法煮一人份 😂


34. I'm was surprised when my roommate, Charlotte, ate my curry. It was suppose to serve 4 people and I let her. 

我室友有天嗑掉我因該是四餐份的咖哩 雖然說是我讓他的 不過我還是嚇到了 哈


35. I'm OBSESSED with MOVIES!!!! 

我超愛看神愛看電影 我現在在等Alice-Looking Through The Glass, Marvel- Civil War, X-men...ETC


36. I'm a weirdo in my own way. Unique version.

我是怪胎 獨一無二的怪胎


37. I tend to laugh at everything when I'm drunk.

我喝醉的時候我會一直笑 無緣無故


38.  My shoe size is US 8, and I always wanted smaller feet.

我腳超大 24號半 雖然說是腳趾很長 可是我還是很羨慕小腳


39.  I'm really bad at time managing.

我很不會抓時間 有一次跟朋友約 我在車上說我還要三十分才會到 結果下一站就是了


40. Sometimes I'll just lost in time when I'm too concerntrated on something.



41. Back when I was still in middle school, I used to listen my music with full volume and when I noticed, I couldn't hear anyhting when it's on low volume. 

And it scares the shit out of me, till now, I will always had the music on low volumes.

我國中很愛戴耳機聽音樂 越聽越大聲 導致小聲的東西都聽不到 到現在都很怕開音樂開太大聲


42. Not a religious person



43. I miss Taiwan food so bad.



44. My best record: gained 4 kg when I went back to Taiwan for winter break. LOL

 我最高紀錄 是一個月吃到增重4公斤


45. Pulling out my wisdom teeth is the worst experience of my life.

拔智齒是目前為止最糟糕的經驗 天 臉腫了一大半 還好是放假拔的


46.  I often regret a lot of meanless things. It's meanless because the past is past and you can't change it.

我常常在後悔無意義的事情 無意義因為已經過去了 所以也不能怎麼辦


47. I feel guilty spending money, but not on buying food.



48. I kept a list of things to eat when I'm back to Taiwan.



49. Love all of you who reads my blog and this article. 

我愛正在讀這篇文章的你 有你才有文章 


50. It's really hard to think about 50 fact about me but I made it. 

想這個真的超難的 可是我做到了 ✨



See you next article:)




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